Note block
A note makes content stand out by placing content in a box and the use of icons.
Note icons and content
Notes can be used with nine optional icons: bell, bookmark, check, heart, help, important, info, lightbulb and warning. Notes can make use of the six block types: heading, text, list, button, image, and markdown.
Using color
The optional icons can be used in four different colors. The default color is the main color as selected in: Site › Settings › Color palette: blue, indigo, teal, gray or the color as selected for the page, in this case indigo. The other colors are: warning (red), succes (green), danger (yellow ocher) and an accent color based on the default color.
A note placed in a two columns layout, with a bell icon, color warning and font size small selected.
A note placed in two columns, with the heart icon, font size small and color success selected.